
Meet Our Staff
Josef Desade (Production Director/Owner)
Josef is the founder of Black Noise Magazine, as well as a photographer/author from Manchester, CT. With over a decade of experience with photography, Josef creates art that touches on topics that are seen as taboo to many in our society. Introduced to classic horror and science fiction, as well a variety of poets at an early age; he draws inspiration in his writing from the likes of Sade, Lovecraft, Dante, Blake and more, to bring the beauty of darkness to his readers with a vivid style that puts the reader into an ominous world with an obscene philosophy. His books are complimented by unique styles of art from independent artists. Prior to that he has dabbled in music production as well as internet radio and since his teenage years he has been involved in promoting local artists, musicians and more. With a passion for art and supporting independent creatives, he formed Black Noise Magazine in 2022 along with Erin Rutledge.
Edward Crossman (Promotion Director/Administrator)
Edward is a writer, poet, punker, professional under-achiever and amateur crotchety old man. He tried hard drugs once and decided they are not for him, it just took 15 years. He was in a band that opened for the Misfits and has been coasting on that ever since. With more than 25 years writing experience, he still has no idea what a semicolon is for. When he's not arguing with his cat over who gets the last slice of cheese for dinner, he can be found sprawled out on the couch creating elaborate stories in his head that never actually get written because the tablet is way over there. Along with being a contributor to Black Noise, Edward is also the Promotions Director. He even has fancy business cards that say so.
Sidney Tyler Lofton (Photography Consultant/Writer/Journalist/Administrator)
March 6th 1979 was an eerily quiet day, until 1:06 p.m. When suddenly the sky cracked open and a lone scream pierced the quiet. That scream announced to the world that it was time to meet a new force of nature. Sidney Tyler Lofton was here. What was he to become? One half of the legendary Dos Barrachos? A raconteur? Maybe a bible salesman? No he was to become the most brilliant writer & photographer for 4 square miles in Columbia Tennessee. Hes been writing poetry and prose for 30 years and has worked as a photographer for 20 years specializing in concert, modeling, glamour and nude photography. He works as a monthly contributor to Black Noise magazine, conducts interviews and in 2024 stepped into an administrative role.
KSlate (Hip-Hop Consultant/Writer/Journalist/Administrator)
Chances are if it has to do with music, Kyle Slater ("KSlate") has at bare minimum dabbled in it. From Rapping/Singing, Production, Recording, Mixing, Mastering, all the way to Album Covers and Business consultation; he's done it all! Since he was 10 years old Kyle knew he had a passion and a talent for any and all things musical, going down the rabbit hole so early in life has allowed him to hone his skills and expertise to a veteran level even while still being under the age of 30! While still being an artist himself (His music can be found on all major music platforms available for stream and/or purchase) he has been more focused lately on the roles outside of the booth, utilizing his talents as Head Engineer and Producer at the now defunct Cutt Collective Studios Based in CT. He took on the role of “Hip Hop Consultant” at Black Noise bringing his experience in the music industry to do reviews, scouting and interviews in 2023 and as of 2024 is bringing more of his skills to an administrative role.|
Jen Kendra (Photography Consultant/Journalist)
Jen is a photographer who has dabbled in the craft since before photography became digital, and she founded Spirited Enigma Photography in 2018. Deeply influenced by music, she spends a lot of her time photographing the rave scene where art, dance, and music come together. She is the Managing Director of Vitus, which is a NYC Underground Electronic Music Collective. Dance is another artform that is close to her heart as she was a ballet dancer in her earlier years. In addition to music and dance she enjoys adventure, cinema, cooking, making jewelry, skiing, traveling, writing, and yoga. When not involved in creative pursuits, Jen works to support a student mentoring program at a college in Massachusetts. She also has a son named River and a parrot named Milo.
Dakota Fenrir (Columnist/Journalist)
Not a skinwalker. Probably..
Very likely crawled out of some pit on a cold January day in the mid 1990s. Has been described as the intersection between a Leather Daddy & a Slavic grandma.
Dakota is a goth, Eclectic Pagan trans man with a passion for body modification & heavy metal. Additionally, he’s an amateur leathersmith, Pro Dom, & kink educator with roughly 15 years of experience. He used this knowledge to create a community that caters specifically to educating young &/or inexperienced kinksters who may otherwise be vulnerable to being taken advantage of by predators lurking in their local scenes.
When he’s not kinking, cooking, or leathersmithing, he can be found acting at haunted attractions in Connecticut. (Something he’s been doing about as long as he’s practiced kink.) His energy ranges from “comforting protector” to “eldritch horror.” Which side you see depends entirely on you.
Recently, he began writing a bi-monthly educational column for Black Noise called “Working Out the Kinks” to help make kink education more readily accessible to those seeking it. He also occasionally takes on an interview & even was one of the cover models for the first all-kink issue of the magazine.
To get in touch reach out:
Instagram: @master_Dax_Fenrir
FetLife: Master_Dax
Porcelain Depino (Journalist)
When you meet Porcelain, normal isn't a word you would ever use. As a Sagittarius-born entertainer, she has carved herself an original path out of blood, sweat, and tears... literally. She enjoys hobbies of FX makeup designing, songwriting, creative writing, petting the heads of rats while laughing maniacally, video gaming, cooking, gardening, and sleeping.
Having a family has always been an important goal of Porcelain's. With her husband and a home creating her foundation and her music shop job molding her financial stability, her dream has finally begun to take flight.
And after years of trying and nearly losing her life as well as the baby's, she miraculously gave birth to her beautiful daughter in mid October 2024. This child created a new motivation for her...a new look on life. She found the strength, courage, and confidence to protect that little one as well as herself. She discovered a reason to fight...someone to live for.
Porcelain has felt so grateful to be part of such an intriguing group of degenerates as Black Noise. She believes that the assignments have gotten her out of her creative slump and can't wait to continue to grow with this crew.
Angelic Allie (Journalist)
Angelic Allie first connected with Black Noise through an article submission titled “Spiritual Journey Leads to the Rave Scene”. She enjoys storytelling through sharing her passions and/or life experiences. Even at a young age, instead of new toys or games, she always desired fancy notebooks (miss you, Lisa Frank stationery!) or fun pens to write or draw with. Throughout her life, she enjoyed learning various styles of writing, poetry, and art. Now, her passion for storytelling and writing is being expressed in new avenues as guided by her spiritual journey.
Allie is a channel, an oracle, a medium, a psychic, and so much more within her spiritual practices and beliefs. Through her spiritual journey, the connection to Black Noise and Josef Desade is enabling her to learn what to ask, what not to ask, and how to ask questions that are needed to complete a successful interview. During a recent Kundalini awakening, she was shown her true self and mission here on this Earth. As the voice of the Indigenous for past and present genocides, she will channel energies no longer of this physical plane so they may share in their story with hopes to help humanity break this cycle and move forward in humanity’s healing. Much love and gratitude to Josef for his mentorship and friendship. A huge thanks to Jen Kendra for connecting me with the magazine. And cheers to Black Noise and all of its current and future success!
Anthea Snow Mathews (Consultant/Writer/Journalist)
Anthea Snow Mathews (formerly C.S. Mathews) is the author of Phrenology (EMP, 2023) and 4 chapbooks including the collaborative Ekphrasis (OAC and Grind Stone Presses, Completed on a 1886 Chandler and Price printing press while in residency at OAC, 2023). She is an editor for the Grind Stone press and the cover artist of 32 titles to date.
She has an affinity for the road coming from a deep love of working in collaborative environments. Mathews has traveled across the country to perform at bookstores, bars, festivals, theaters, festivals in bars, but she most consistently finds herself at protests. Having cut her teeth as a journalist and medic at protests throughout 2020, she has aided in organizing in response to the onslaught of anti-queer legislation, preforming poetry in front of state capitals across the Midwest and South.
Kim Adamski (Columnist/Journalist)
Kim's interest in sexual health and wellness started in high school. She noticed that sex, though a near-universal experience, was a topic that many people are reluctant to discuss.
Kim aims to facilitate discussion about sex by creating safe, open, and conversational environments for learning.
In 2025, Kim is working on a sex Ed series at locations around Connecticut. For more info check out Events or follow her at Kim Adamski on IG
Jennifer Beaulieu (Editor)
Born a month late in April 1983, and marching to the beat of her own drum ever since; Jennifer sees life with an artistic and sarcastic eye. If you are ever in a room with her and see her get twitchy, don't worry, it's Tourette's, not meth.
Her interests and talents lie in the areas of sewing, gardening, eldest daughter/40+ year old woman rage, ADD forgetfulness, reading and for some odd reason research projects(which makes her particularly suited to be an editor).
Jennifer is the ringleader of a husband, two daughters and a grandson. She loves them all dearly but sometimes has to remind herself that murder is bad and prison isn't a great place to be.
In 2024 she started JMB Editing